Friday, November 7, 2008

“I am becoming accustomed to the idea of considering every sexual act a process in which, at least, four people are involved.” S. Freud

- Try to relax…
- Sorry. It’s just that there’s a part of me that, you know? Stays out of it, distanced, watching it all. A part that can’t give itself to you…
- I understand.
- It’s as if there’s a third person in bed.
- Right. It’s your superego. Mine is also here.
- Yours too?
- Of course. Everybody has one. The trick is learning to live with him.
- If only he would close his eyes!
- Calm down. I know how you feel. In these cases I always imagine that my mother is present.
- Your mother?
- Yup. She’s in bed with us too.
- Have you seen a shrink?
- I see one, actually. Now that I think about it, he’s also here.
- Who?
- My analyst. In bed. My God, next to my mother!
- My father is here…
- Your father, too?
- My superego and my father.
- Your superego and your father could be the same person.
- No, no. They’re definitely two. And they won’t stop staring at me.
- But sex is such a natural thing!
- Tell them.
- Actually, isn’t it? We aren’t even ourselves. I am what I think I am, I am as you see me…
- And we also are what we think we are to others.
- In other words, each one of us is actually three.
- Four, if you count who we really are.
- But who are we, really?
- I dunno. I…
- What a second. Let’s go over this again. On your side you have you, your superego, your father… – that’s three right there.
- And on yours there’s you three, your mother and your analyst.
- And my superego.
- And your superego.
- Anyone else?
- And Jimmy.
- Who?!
- My first boyfriend. He was the one that…
- Hold on a sec. Not Jimmy.
- But…
- Get Jimmy off this bed.
- But…
- Either Jimmy leaves, or me and my crew leave!


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