Monday, November 10, 2008

- Hello?
- Russ, let me talk to Moira.
- What?!
- I know she’s there. Put her on the phone.
- Michael, have you lost your mind? Why would Moira be here at this hour?
- I just wanna talk to her, Russ. I’m not gonna fight, I won’t make a scene…
- What is this? Do you have any idea what time it is?
- I’m sorry if I interrupted anything, but I need to speak with Moira.
- Michael. Listen. It’s three o’clock in the morning, I’m sleeping, there’s no one here with me, especially not… C’mon, Michael! What do you think I am? You and Moira are my best friends!
- But Moira’s not just a friend, is she, Russ? I know. I know about you two.
- You’re crazy! Michael…
- Let me talk to her!
- You know something. Go f… Look, if Moira isn’t home, it’s not my problem. She’s not here.
- You don’t know this but I saw you buying the earring at the market.
- What earring?
- I saw it! And the next day Moira was wearing it!
- And she told you I gave it to her?
- She didn’t say anything. I saw it!
- Michael…
- You really want me to make a scene? Fine. I’m coming over. Let’s make a spectacle of this, Russ. Cuckolded husband, gun-in-hand… Get ready.

Michael hangs up. Russ sits and thinks for a second. Robert, on the bed next to him, says nothing. Finally, Russ speaks. There is no anger in his voice. Only disappointment.

- You and Moira, Robert?
- Why me and Moira?
- The earring I bought you. She has it.
- They’re probably just similar.
- Please, Robert. Don’t lie to me.
- Ok, ok. I gave the earring away. But not to Moira, to Lisa.
- To Lisa?
- Yeah, to Lisa, my wife. I swear.
- And Lisa gave it to Moira.
- You think?
- Do you know where Lisa is right now, Robert?
- Should be home, why?
- Because Moira isn’t home.
- You think Lisa and Moira…
- You better go, Robert. I’m expecting someone.
- Who?
- Michael. He’s coming to kill me.
- I’ll stay.
- You’ll leave.
- Fine.

Robert gets out of bed and gets dressed to leave.

- Robert…
- Yeah…
- You didn’t like the earring?


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